The Company

Our Company Directors

The directors of Waibeni Indigenous Funeral Services (WIFS) are local community leaders and first nation service providers.  Willie Wigness and Harry Seriat work behind the scenes to provide best practice funeral services to remote communities. 

WIFS is firmly committed to providing affordable funeral services, transparency, and being accountable to families.  We appreciate that every “yawor” is different and whenever we can, will make every effort to find solutions. WIFS will care for your loved one, respect your culture, and deal with the unique situation of our remote location. 

The team at WIFS will maintain confidentiality at all times with you. WIFS will always advise you about costs and never push to spend more than you want or need.

The Company » the company

Our Funeral Director

Barry Williams has been faithfully serving the people of the Kaiwalagal / Torres Strait region with care and respect for over 30 years. He knows the people, the area, and how each system works.  We are very pleased to have Barry on board with WIFS.